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Summer Music Camp Policies

Details & Financial Information

Camp will take place for 3 hours per day for 5 days at First Presbyterian Georgetown. A $25 registration fee is due upon registering.  The remaining camp tuition of $150 must be paid by June 1.

Dates: Mon-Fri, June 3-7, from 9:00am-12:00pm.  

*On Friday there will be a performance at 11:30. Immediate family members are invited to attend.

What’s included: 

  • Group musicianship classes to work on hearing & reading & practicing musical concepts

  • Ensemble Practice: playing your instrument in a small ensemble with others

  • Snack & play time each day

  • Song Circle: exploration in group singing, learning both folk & pop songs with movement

  • A performance at the end of the week to share what we've worked on

Payment Options

Payments can be made via cash, check, Zelle, Venmo, PayPal (*Please select the friends & family option).  
Venmo: @musicathomegtx               PayPal: @musicathomegtx               Check: Music at Home 


Commitment & Communication
Parent/teacher communication is imperative to your child’s educational experience. If you ever need to reach me, please feel free to email me at or call/text (512) 316 - 9976.  

Registration fees & camp tuition are nonrefundable. By registering, you are committing to paying for the full week of camp.  If your student is out for any reason (sickness, other activities, etc.), no refunds or make-up days can be given.  In the event that a student/parent chooses not to participate in camp after June 1, the tuition will be forfeited. 

In the event that Mrs. Granger must cancel any days due to sickness or emergency, make-up days will be scheduled for the following week.  If a make-up day time is unavailable, an alternative plan will be made at Mrs. Granger’s discretion.


What to bring:

Students will need a water bottle, their method books, a binder or folder with blank paper & any additional sheet music that I’ve provided.  Violin students will also need their instrument.  *You may want to apply sunscreen/bug spray before drop off.


Other Policies 


Arrival + Facilities:


Students must be dropped off & picked up in a timely manner.  They are welcome to come a few minutes early to play on the playground until our day begins.  Contrary to private lessons, I encourage you to say goodbye to your child at the door so that they can acclimate themselves to a new learning environment.  Parents are not encouraged to stay & watch camp activities until our performance at the end of the week, unless you are volunteering.  Parent volunteers are welcome!


Classes at First Presbyterian:


Parallel parking on Myrtle street would be closest.  If full, use the church parking lot.  Enter via the entrance off Myrtle Street between the two buildings. There is a little gate where I will meet everyone & we will walk into the building together.  If you happen to arrive late, you can enter the Main Building, to your right, using the door code: 1486 (This code is only good on the one door from 9:30am - noon on Fridays) Once inside the building, please turn left and find Rm 113 on your left half-way down the hall.


Camp activities will take place both in Room 113 & outside under adult supervision. Children will not be allowed to roam freely throughout the church except to go to the restroom. 


In the event of any property damage caused by a student or family member, the parent/guardian will be responsible for all repairs or replacements. We hope that this will never be a problem, but we understand that accidents happen. 


Mrs. Granger & the staff at First Presbyterian thank you for your cooperation and understanding of these policies.

Summer Camp Policies Agreement

I agree to the terms of this 2024 Summer Camp handbook, tuition payment, calendar, and policies. I understand that these policies may change in the future and that I will be notified of any changes in writing. I understand that if I do not pay for camp in a timely manner, my child will not be able to attend.
I will not hold Mrs. Granger or First Presbyterian Church liable for any injuries that may occur while my child is at camp.

Photos and/or videos may be taken for promotional/educational purposes. Will you allow the use of photos and/or videos of your student(s) for this purpose?

Music Lessons and Classes


Sarah Granger

Georgetown, Texas

(512) 316 - 9976

Sarah will never share your information. Thank you for submitting!

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