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Meet Sarah,
Your Music Teacher

Mrs. Granger began her music training at age 6 & has been involved in music in various ways since childhood, including private lessons, orchestra, choir & church music.  She obtained her bachelor’s degree in music education from Southeastern Louisiana University in 2011.  She has 11 years of teaching experience, including classroom music & strings, working with students from kindergarten through middle school.  In 2021, she received her certification in Levels I-III of the Kodály concept with Texas State University.  She now works privately with students of all ages to prepare them for a lifetime of musicianship.

Kodály Method

Sarah is a Kodály Certified Music Educator.


"Kodály’s concepts are based on teaching, learning and understanding music through the experience of singing, giving direct access to the world of music with the most universal instrument.

The Kodály approach to music education is student centered and skills are taught in a logical, sequential manner. Kodály believed, as we do now, that music is a language that everyone can learn to speak.

This approach begins by teaching students to sing in tune combined with extensive physical movement to develop timing and rhythmic competence. Music is taught in a way that requires each person to learn via a variety of modes—kinesthetic, auditory, and visual.

The musical material begins with a country’s own traditional folksongs and then moves to composed music of all genres.

Music is learned first through immersion and then literacy is learned using the tools of relative solfa, rhythm names and hand signs. Relative solfa is derived from John Curwen’s Tonic Solfa and rhythm solfa is inspired by and simplified from the French rhythm solfa system of Gallin-Paris-Chevé. The trained musician will be able to look at staff notation and hear the sounds in their head."




Benefits of Music Education

There are many benefits for children and adults when they take music classes and  lessons

It improves academic skills.

It refines discipline and patience.

It develops physical skills.

It boosts self-esteem.

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It cultivates social skills.

It introduces children to other cultures.

Music Lessons and Classes


Sarah Granger

Georgetown, Texas

(512) 316 - 9976

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